I just found a bug where the round doesn't end when you have a blimp inflated overhead. The wave that you are on doesn't end until you pop or let the blimp de spawn. It's kind of fun if you have the experience perk if that perk gets you soda faster you could see how many sodas you could drink in a single round!
After a couple of times I figured that it was a feature instead of a bug. I really need to start to read the "read me" files. Thanks for pointing that out that it is written in the readme.txt file. Also thanks for kindly pointing out my duh! No sarcasm, I mean it. Thanks!
I kind of wish the player character got as big as the blimp either on a regular defeat or drinking the gold cola at the end of the round. I would like to see the player character become completely spherically inflated!( that is just me thinking out loud about the spherical bit) Is there an end to final hard wave or do enemies keep spawning ensuring the player is defeated? I like the game over all though. I have played it through twice now and enjoyed each play through!
The hard mode is not much different from other modes.
The few differences are the number of enemies and the types of them.
But... maybe yes. There is an "endless mode".
Rounds 8 and 10 in hard mode are actually very difficult because of the amount of enemies, and if you don't blow up the blimp fast enough, your PC will start screaming.
If you want something like "keep the enemies coming! until i explode," you could start a wave with a blimp and don't blow it up.
I've played it and enjoyed it. I do have a few suggestions I'd like to share, if that's okay.
For purely cosmetic changes, maybe you could add an option to have enemies leave an explosion of scraps via a particle effect to help add to bursting the infected. I mainly suggest this one because I find myself turning away from infected I finished off if they're away from the horde, expecially blimps. You could also add other cosmetic things such as pallets or texture for our weapons that cost experience, to help add an additional sink for that. Also, when the fire rate is increased for the Sniper and the Thumper, their animations don't reflect that so maybe speeding them up as you upgrade them could help better translate that information.
On to balance suggestions, I'd say the Sniper is in a very weird spot. When upgraded, it tears through early rounds so easily you can just sit right by the ammo pile and be pretty much invincible, but on the later rounds it becomes next to useless against the horde. I suggest toning down its max fire rate, in exchange for allowing it to pierce multiple enemies. I feel that would make it more satisfying then it currently is and stopping it from invalidating early waves outright. The Thumper, on the other hand, is extremely inconsistent. It feels like its hit registration is RNG, with shots clearly phasing through opponents, or mysteriously hitting an enemy I didn't even point at. This also extends to its self damage, which makes it impossible to tell the safe distance to use. Not only does the explosion animation not showcase the blast radius, but it feels like that radius also fluctuates randomly. Sometimes I shoot someone really close and take no damage, other times I shoot someone a good 6 feet away and lose half my health. Making it both visually and mechanically consistent would make it much more satisfying to use. Finally, the AR is just overpowered. I feel like it would be best split into two different weapons, a harder hitting but slower firing rifle, and a high capacity fast firing Light machine gun. That way, you don't get the best of both worlds in one weapon, and have to pick which you would rather have.
For some new things, maybe a revolver secondary to act as an alternative for the sawn off, dealing enough damage to two shot eliminate most enemies in exchange for having to reload one dart at a time like the Shotgun. You could also add some purchasable weapon charms, like a shield that halves gas damage, a cat that heals you at the end of every wave, or even a detrimental one that damages you at the end of every wave in exchange for more experience or faster cola build up.
Thank you for reading this, and the game is already very fun as it is.
0.2a Review: After the update, glad to see AR got its auto reload.
One thing I forgot to mention from last time is that the grenades do not always respect the walls, and will often go past the border walls meant to keep a player in.
Another bug I found is a zoom glitch that occurs because an enemy inflates too quickly and a player ends up pushed, forced to spawn in a slightly different spot. This happens most often with the blimps but is still a regular occurrence regardless.
Lastly, the GG achievement is clearly meant to be earned after getting all OTHER achievements. Well, the GG achievement requires its own unlock to be unlocked, which means it can't be unlocked. Never mind. Turns out I missed one achievement for "losing enough rounds".
Something I would like to see is Hazmat enemies exploding into a toxic cloud that affects both player and infected. Obviously the cloud would also need to fall to the ground, but it would make camping a much more risky venture.
I don't know how practical it would be to implement, but perhaps the inflation of both player/infected can be picked out? Have Belly, Breast and Butt inflation to start, and expand from there if it's doable. Player chooses their inflation, infected are randomized.
Good changes overall so far! Would it be possible to just lower the height to which the girls float up? I like to pop the remaining ones at the end of waves but a lot of them are so high up i just can't hit them. Also, it happened once or twice where the counter for the next wave would begin while there were still inflated actively running after me despite the wave being supposedly over. One last thing i'd like to mention, which i forgot the first time, is that i like that even when you're very low on health and super inflated, you can still mostly see what you are doing. I think "Inflation Rooms" would greatly benefit if it was like this as well, if you ever intend to update that game in the future. That one too had a lot of potential in my opinion!
I also feel that The Blimp is too weak. I think waves 3-9 should stay as they are. However, the last wave would like to have a boss who has to create a more difficult to explode "Super Blinp" etc. and inflate it more.
Even harder difficulty may be interesting. I think it will be quite difficult even if the enemy does not explode unless it is inflated (improved the difficulty of obtaining items). (In hard mode, I was able to clear it continuously.)
Setting the players health to 0 while having the console still open causes the player to keep on inflating and not explode (maybe the player does explode after a while but I didn't want to wait for too long)
There are several bugs and problems I am having. One being that when shooting the AR at those gas spawning clouds, the darts stay in place and don't despawn, basically leading to the next infected that walks out to pop instantly.
Another is the health pill thingies occasionally give you overheal (meaning your health raises over 100) and leads to your breasts and belly to no longer be visible until damaged again. I experienced this when using the achievement perk thing that makes the pills heal extra
Round 10 on hard is extremely laggy, when spawning the horde to the point my game nearly crashed.
On the map "the bank" near that alley with the easter egg you added, when inflating a blimp, it can be knocked out of reachable distance essentially bringing the game to an endless mode where you cannot progress the rounds.
Items tend to disappear when 2 infecteds are popped close to each other.
Finally, I would really appreciate the sawed off to be upgradable because it would make the thumper actually viable since you can't use it effectively from waves 1-5 because of self damage and god forbid an infected gets too close, you're helpless.
I would really like to see some of this adjusted in the next update, thank you!
So, the new sawed off seems to be broken. I unlocked it, but it doesn’t appear on the play screen at all and can’t be upgraded.
EDIT: Nevermind! I didn’t realize it was a secondary! That’s awesome.
Surprised to see this, compared to your previous downloads- it's a big jump in quality.
Recommendations: The AR is ridiculously busted at high upgrades. Perhaps focus less on mag size, and swap it for reload speed? Allow the player to pick up items when reloading! Shorten the deadzone during/after reloads, especially with the shotgun- having 'finished' the reload, and having to wait a full second+ to fire afterwards is a slowly-annoying occurence! Give us a button to throw items we're holding- I'd like to be able to move pills away from places like spawnpoints. Maybe make the between-round time a little longer! Games like KF1/2 give you nearly a minute. Perhaps consider in-round purchases, like the game above! On that note, it should be (seemingly) easy to add things like damage resistance, speed upgrades, health maximum, and perhaps small ammo-drops from enemies. Hope this sees continued development!
I like how this game feels so much more polished than the others so far. Inflation Rooms was the next best thing, but still feels unfinished.
There's a bug with the AR. It will not automatically reload when the clip is empty, unlike the other weapons. I can do it manually, at least. But it's a bug as far as I'm concerned.
I would like to see some more creative upgrades available for the weapons after otherwise maxing them out. Perhaps the AR could get a brief "piercing ammo" mode, Shotgun gets a much narrower spread, stuff like that.
I haven't tested the launcher in this hotfix, but I did notice that the shots passed through infected. Which can be a unique method for using the weapon but it also means it's dead useless against Hazmat infected. You either use your side arm against them or you die.
I have also experienced a freeze when the game ends and your character starts inflating. The game practically locks up completely, but then resumes normally when the end of game options pop up.
EDIT: Three suggestions I think would be worth adding.
Disable the melee entirely and replace it with throwing whatever grenade you have.
Make Q the button to automatically use your Heal/Cola
Make the End of Game bottle a different color from the basic one to indicate its "auto kill" nature.
did you tested the "hard" mode? i think the amount of enemies that spawn is bigger than the space on the map (round 8)
edit: error, the round 10 in hard mode is barely possible to past, the amount of entities is enough for partial stop the game when the round start, even with smoke grenades, is hard to work with that amount.
I'm aware that the hard mode is nearly impossible to beat, but since it isn't really necessary for any achievements I thought I'd just leave it like that - give people a real hard challange.
I've managed to beat hard, you have the right idea with the smoke grenades. Over the coming rounds leading to round 10 pile up a bunch of smoke grenades in the center of the map and on the round time between the switching of waves 9-10 toss them into all spawn locations and pray. This works sometimes because as the waves go on the amount of time it takes for the infecteds to spawn in goes down exponentially. If you happen to miss some infecteds and you're getting piled on, run towards a rapidly inflating infected and sandwich it and you against a wall to trigger the game to spawn you in a set location as a failsafe to get you unstuck, this can help or hurt you, so make sure there are no infecteds in that area before you preform this. If done correctly it can give you some breathing room and get you away from a horde.
I have a feeling you managed to do that on the bank map, if not, you found a good spot on the bus stop map.
I was trying to beat hard, on the bus stop map with a shotgun (which I used like a Winchester), my problem usually comes with killing the blimp fast enough,
The game slows down before I finish my task.
I tried to use smoke grenades, but with the amount of enemies, i lost accuracy and missed some spots.
Thanks for your advice!
edit: In the end, I finally manage to get it.
In some parts of the wave 10, I got a constant 4 fps...
My strategy was the same one used in Doom. Run around the object.
That is correct! I did it on the bank! It's useful to have 2 exits lead to the same area so you can cover the area with just a single well placed smoke grenade. I'm sorry I failed to add that I used the AR, congratulations on completing hard! If you ever attempt this again, I highly recommend the AR since it can pop infecteds in only a few seconds and eliminate them (that is, make them float and no longer damage you) with only one dart of the 50 it spews in a single given second, by waving your cursor back and forth at a large cluster of infecteds it can eliminate them all with ease.
This game has been great so far tho I wonder if it'd be possible for there to be a non popping mode, and for the ass to inflate as much as the breast and belly.
1. Ok so after playing the hot fix found out that the game over screen no longer gives shows you floating away and just freezes till it gives you the option to play again or main menu.
2. I don't know if thus was intentional but the option to reload the AR is gone and you can't reload mid match either so I wad just left with the pistol.
so for the pop machine and the charm they both for some reason are being odd to me the pop machine just instant ends my rounds instead of damaging me and the charm doesn't do anything due to that happening other then that i like the changes
Yes, the way a round ends is with the final carbon-pop which is suppoused to pop the player to finish a run and count as a victory. Unless you're saying that every carbon-pop eliminates you then yeah - gonna have to fix that somehow
like the first one i get is basically what you said for the final one which is odd for the starting carbon-pop to act like the final which i don't know how it start on the original release it start out normal then bugged to the ender pop
Game is absolutely perfect; wouldn't change a thing. I'd request a mode where we *don't* pop, but instead float around, getting bigger and bigger, until we get bored and exit/restart.
Can the function of modifying the operation keys be made? I've had a bad keyboard for 3 years, play games by interacting with other keys instead of the E key, and my wife won't let me get a new keyboard 😭
really fun game so far and hope thares more content to be added like new maps and maybe ways to mod in stuff only nitpick id have is the soda even at full health instainflated me to 0 health me and I'm unsure if that's a bug or not or somthing not fully explained in the tutoriel
XP is gained too quick for how few things there are to spend it on, it only took me two failed rounds on Easy to earn enough to run out of things I want to buy
The pistol is so awful that it's basically worthless, even as a backup. I also wish we could upgrade it, or swap it out with something else.
The Blimp is, well, I don't understand the point of her. She takes the same strategy as any other enemy, gets immobilized as easily, and that's it. Wish she had some gimmick to her, like popping her causes an AoE of damage, or that she remains mobile regardless of size and takes up a silly amount of space on the map, or she exudes inflation gas as she gets bigger, or she absorbs air from nearby "zombies", or something.
Wish the shotgun was less accurate but did more damage, as it really doesn't fit any new niche compared to the other weapons.
Stinks the different enemy types look the same, and that they don't REALLY have that much of a difference in strategy. Make one extra fast with fancy shoes, make the ranged one spawn on roofs so we have to shoot them, IDK.
Annoying that the vending machine keeps alerting you if you don't take the soda.
Kinda wish Easy mode had a shorter timer or less waves, even if it means you can't get achievements in there or something.
Could maybe use an "advance wave" button or something, a bait we could activate to advance to the next wave and spawn more "zombies" quicker on the waves that kinda slog a bit.
Character classes to unlock? Skills to buy? Cosmetic items? IDK, game needs more stuff to spend XP on.
Bug report: The "survive past wave 5 without using pills" achievement is bugged, it wouldn't trigger for me after two runs of not using any.
EDIT: forgot another bug, hit detection seems pretty weak, it's most noticeable with the sniper rifle just because it's a one shot weapon. Not sure exactly where the shots are missing the most, but they're definitely missing a lot when they shouldn't.
so when i was playing it after i got the ar and did small upgrades on it the first blimp i shot at with it lagged the game till all the hit shots were gone since i used the whole mag on it but other then that it's good
Very entertaining little inflation game~ My own criticism for it is
1: I'd love some more customization options; hair style, hair color, shirt color, maybe even different outfits if that's at all possible, different skin color, eye color, just more customizations
2: I'd like the special inflated (spitter, the one with the hose, blimp) to be more distinguishable I guess, hard to know which is the spitter off the bat when there's a hoard barreling down on you. and if anything wouldn't mind if the blimp was more threatening, sure they take a lot to pop but they take just as much as everyone else to render them floating, at which point they almost always get knocked out of the way by everything else and they're just not a threat at all.
I really enjoyed this game and hopefully you add more to this game and continue on making more games in general!
I'd add a third point if you don't mind! More weapons and gadgets! I do have some ideas but i definitely don't want to be annoying so just let me know if you'd like some ideas.
3: I'd like to see what someone else mentioned as upgrades or alternatives to the pistol, the pistol itself feels lacking in many ways as it's slow, does little damage, and just isn't all to interesting in and of itself. Maybe something like dual pistols, an smg, maybe even a magnum that effectively one shots most but has a painfully slow speed.
4: Blimp mode for the player, this would be an unlockable mode and doesn't even do much, other than maybe increasing how much hp the player has, maybe like an extra 50 points, and when the player does go down it draws out the ending inflation where they get up to the blimp enemy size before ending with an all mighty kaboom. Also maybe the ability to zoom the camera in and out during game overs, have had the camera either get caught on something, or the player gets pushed to close to the camera and most things just end up getting obscured by a singular tit or belly.
5: A reload speed upgrade wouldn't be remised I feel for things like the shotgun and sniper as they feel almost useless past a point in the waves because they reload one shot at a time, and the sniper is painfully slow with this as well.
Happy to see you making a game again! It's quite fun and also has a lot of potential for new stuff or new mechanics or gamemodes, or even coop if that's even possible. Perhaps the ability to jump as well? Maybe upgrades to your character like a special body suit that makes it harder to inflate you or more speed. A lot of potential!
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I just found a bug where the round doesn't end when you have a blimp inflated overhead. The wave that you are on doesn't end until you pop or let the blimp de spawn. It's kind of fun if you have the experience perk if that perk gets you soda faster you could see how many sodas you could drink in a single round!
« -as long as blimp boss is active normal infected won't stop spawning »
it is written in the document "READ ME.txt", in the game files, next to the boot file.
It is one of the features that the author did not implement in the tutorial but that he should mention.
After a couple of times I figured that it was a feature instead of a bug. I really need to start to read the "read me" files. Thanks for pointing that out that it is written in the readme.txt file. Also thanks for kindly pointing out my duh! No sarcasm, I mean it. Thanks!
I kind of wish the player character got as big as the blimp either on a regular defeat or drinking the gold cola at the end of the round. I would like to see the player character become completely spherically inflated!( that is just me thinking out loud about the spherical bit) Is there an end to final hard wave or do enemies keep spawning ensuring the player is defeated? I like the game over all though. I have played it through twice now and enjoyed each play through!
The hard mode is not much different from other modes.
The few differences are the number of enemies and the types of them.
But... maybe yes. There is an "endless mode".
Rounds 8 and 10 in hard mode are actually very difficult because of the amount of enemies, and if you don't blow up the blimp fast enough, your PC will start screaming.
If you want something like "keep the enemies coming! until i explode," you could start a wave with a blimp and don't blow it up.
Theoretically, the round would never end.
top i have all аchievement
I've played it and enjoyed it. I do have a few suggestions I'd like to share, if that's okay.
Thank you for reading this, and the game is already very fun as it is.
0.2a Review:
After the update, glad to see AR got its auto reload.
One thing I forgot to mention from last time is that the grenades do not always respect the walls, and will often go past the border walls meant to keep a player in.
Another bug I found is a zoom glitch that occurs because an enemy inflates too quickly and a player ends up pushed, forced to spawn in a slightly different spot. This happens most often with the blimps but is still a regular occurrence regardless.
Lastly, the GG achievement is clearly meant to be earned after getting all OTHER achievements. Well, the GG achievement requires its own unlock to be unlocked, which means it can't be unlocked.Never mind. Turns out I missed one achievement for "losing enough rounds".Something I would like to see is Hazmat enemies exploding into a toxic cloud that affects both player and infected. Obviously the cloud would also need to fall to the ground, but it would make camping a much more risky venture.
I don't know how practical it would be to implement, but perhaps the inflation of both player/infected can be picked out? Have Belly, Breast and Butt inflation to start, and expand from there if it's doable. Player chooses their inflation, infected are randomized.
Good changes overall so far! Would it be possible to just lower the height to which the girls float up? I like to pop the remaining ones at the end of waves but a lot of them are so high up i just can't hit them. Also, it happened once or twice where the counter for the next wave would begin while there were still inflated actively running after me despite the wave being supposedly over. One last thing i'd like to mention, which i forgot the first time, is that i like that even when you're very low on health and super inflated, you can still mostly see what you are doing. I think "Inflation Rooms" would greatly benefit if it was like this as well, if you ever intend to update that game in the future. That one too had a lot of potential in my opinion!
I also feel that The Blimp is too weak. I think waves 3-9 should stay as they are. However, the last wave would like to have a boss who has to create a more difficult to explode "Super Blinp" etc. and inflate it more.
Setting the players health to 0 while having the console still open causes the player to keep on inflating and not explode (maybe the player does explode after a while but I didn't want to wait for too long)
There are several bugs and problems I am having. One being that when shooting the AR at those gas spawning clouds, the darts stay in place and don't despawn, basically leading to the next infected that walks out to pop instantly.
Another is the health pill thingies occasionally give you overheal (meaning your health raises over 100) and leads to your breasts and belly to no longer be visible until damaged again. I experienced this when using the achievement perk thing that makes the pills heal extra
Round 10 on hard is extremely laggy, when spawning the horde to the point my game nearly crashed.
On the map "the bank" near that alley with the easter egg you added, when inflating a blimp, it can be knocked out of reachable distance essentially bringing the game to an endless mode where you cannot progress the rounds.
Items tend to disappear when 2 infecteds are popped close to each other.
Finally, I would really appreciate the sawed off to be upgradable because it would make the thumper actually viable since you can't use it effectively from waves 1-5 because of self damage and god forbid an infected gets too close, you're helpless.
I would really like to see some of this adjusted in the next update, thank you!
Im curently in the tutorial its not letting me use the carbon-pop is there a key im supposed to use
That bug was just recently patched, download the game again
Ok then
So, the new sawed off seems to be broken. I unlocked it, but it doesn’t appear on the play screen at all and can’t be upgraded. EDIT: Nevermind! I didn’t realize it was a secondary! That’s awesome.
Surprised to see this, compared to your previous downloads- it's a big jump in quality.
The AR is ridiculously busted at high upgrades. Perhaps focus less on mag size, and swap it for reload speed?
Allow the player to pick up items when reloading!
Shorten the deadzone during/after reloads, especially with the shotgun- having 'finished' the reload, and having to wait a full second+ to fire afterwards is a slowly-annoying occurence!
Give us a button to throw items we're holding- I'd like to be able to move pills away from places like spawnpoints.
Maybe make the between-round time a little longer! Games like KF1/2 give you nearly a minute.
Perhaps consider in-round purchases, like the game above!
On that note, it should be (seemingly) easy to add things like damage resistance, speed upgrades, health maximum, and perhaps small ammo-drops from enemies. Hope this sees continued development!
I like how this game feels so much more polished than the others so far. Inflation Rooms was the next best thing, but still feels unfinished.
There's a bug with the AR. It will not automatically reload when the clip is empty, unlike the other weapons. I can do it manually, at least. But it's a bug as far as I'm concerned.
I would like to see some more creative upgrades available for the weapons after otherwise maxing them out. Perhaps the AR could get a brief "piercing ammo" mode, Shotgun gets a much narrower spread, stuff like that.
I haven't tested the launcher in this hotfix, but I did notice that the shots passed through infected. Which can be a unique method for using the weapon but it also means it's dead useless against Hazmat infected. You either use your side arm against them or you die.
I have also experienced a freeze when the game ends and your character starts inflating. The game practically locks up completely, but then resumes normally when the end of game options pop up.
EDIT: Three suggestions I think would be worth adding.
did you tested the "hard" mode?
i think the amount of enemies that spawn is bigger than the space on the map (round 8)
edit: error, the round 10 in hard mode is barely possible to past, the amount of entities is enough for partial stop the game when the round start, even with smoke grenades, is hard to work with that amount.
if is needed, i could make a video.
I'm aware that the hard mode is nearly impossible to beat, but since it isn't really necessary for any achievements I thought I'd just leave it like that - give people a real hard challange.
why does this remind me of Halo 2 and its "legendary" difficulty?...
PD: Don't mind about that.
A challenge that cost time, make you like more what you are doing when you success
I've managed to beat hard, you have the right idea with the smoke grenades. Over the coming rounds leading to round 10 pile up a bunch of smoke grenades in the center of the map and on the round time between the switching of waves 9-10 toss them into all spawn locations and pray. This works sometimes because as the waves go on the amount of time it takes for the infecteds to spawn in goes down exponentially. If you happen to miss some infecteds and you're getting piled on, run towards a rapidly inflating infected and sandwich it and you against a wall to trigger the game to spawn you in a set location as a failsafe to get you unstuck, this can help or hurt you, so make sure there are no infecteds in that area before you preform this. If done correctly it can give you some breathing room and get you away from a horde.
Best of luck!
I have a feeling you managed to do that on the bank map, if not, you found a good spot on the bus stop map.
I was trying to beat hard, on the bus stop map with a shotgun (which I used like a Winchester), my problem usually comes with killing the blimp fast enough,
The game slows down before I finish my task.
I tried to use smoke grenades, but with the amount of enemies, i lost accuracy and missed some spots.
Thanks for your advice!
edit: In the end, I finally manage to get it.
In some parts of the wave 10, I got a constant 4 fps...
My strategy was the same one used in Doom. Run around the object.
That is correct! I did it on the bank! It's useful to have 2 exits lead to the same area so you can cover the area with just a single well placed smoke grenade. I'm sorry I failed to add that I used the AR, congratulations on completing hard! If you ever attempt this again, I highly recommend the AR since it can pop infecteds in only a few seconds and eliminate them (that is, make them float and no longer damage you) with only one dart of the 50 it spews in a single given second, by waving your cursor back and forth at a large cluster of infecteds it can eliminate them all with ease.
This game has been great so far tho I wonder if it'd be possible for there to be a non popping mode, and for the ass to inflate as much as the breast and belly.
1. Ok so after playing the hot fix found out that the game over screen no longer gives shows you floating away and just freezes till it gives you the option to play again or main menu.
2. I don't know if thus was intentional but the option to reload the AR is gone and you can't reload mid match either so I wad just left with the pistol.
so for the pop machine and the charm they both for some reason are being odd to me the pop machine just instant ends my rounds instead of damaging me and the charm doesn't do anything due to that happening other then that i like the changes
Yes, the way a round ends is with the final carbon-pop which is suppoused to pop the player to finish a run and count as a victory. Unless you're saying that every carbon-pop eliminates you then yeah - gonna have to fix that somehow
like the first one i get is basically what you said for the final one which is odd for the starting carbon-pop to act like the final which i don't know how it start on the original release it start out normal then bugged to the ender pop
Game is absolutely perfect; wouldn't change a thing. I'd request a mode where we *don't* pop, but instead float around, getting bigger and bigger, until we get bored and exit/restart.
Are you open for help?
A fun idea is maybe an update to add more to the game? Know it's a small team, but it will be fun
Funny if there was a level editor
Got every achievement, was fun, GL was best weapon, I hated sniper lmao
Can the function of modifying the operation keys be made? I've had a bad keyboard for 3 years, play games by interacting with other keys instead of the E key, and my wife won't let me get a new keyboard 😭
Should've been called Left 2 pop
things we need:stealth,more weapons,team match,safe palces to hide or stand to shoot,
I like this game, its fun to play !
really fun game so far and hope thares more content to be added like new maps and maybe ways to mod in stuff only nitpick id have is the soda even at full health instainflated me to 0 health me and I'm unsure if that's a bug or not or somthing not fully explained in the tutoriel
kinda hope there are more plans for this, or possible mods
fascinating game, love it
Love the game, best one you've made so far, 100%.
Bug report: The "survive past wave 5 without using pills" achievement is bugged, it wouldn't trigger for me after two runs of not using any.
EDIT: forgot another bug, hit detection seems pretty weak, it's most noticeable with the sniper rifle just because it's a one shot weapon. Not sure exactly where the shots are missing the most, but they're definitely missing a lot when they shouldn't.
It worked fine for me, so i'm guessing it only happens in certain specific circumstances o.o
Yeah, next time I play I'll try different a different map or something, I only really like the last map, it could be bugged there, IDK.
so when i was playing it after i got the ar and did small upgrades on it the first blimp i shot at with it lagged the game till all the hit shots were gone since i used the whole mag on it but other then that it's good
Very entertaining little inflation game~
My own criticism for it is
1: I'd love some more customization options; hair style, hair color, shirt color, maybe even different outfits if that's at all possible, different skin color, eye color, just more customizations
2: I'd like the special inflated (spitter, the one with the hose, blimp) to be more distinguishable I guess, hard to know which is the spitter off the bat when there's a hoard barreling down on you. and if anything wouldn't mind if the blimp was more threatening, sure they take a lot to pop but they take just as much as everyone else to render them floating, at which point they almost always get knocked out of the way by everything else and they're just not a threat at all.
I really enjoyed this game and hopefully you add more to this game and continue on making more games in general!
I'd add a third point if you don't mind! More weapons and gadgets! I do have some ideas but i definitely don't want to be annoying so just let me know if you'd like some ideas.
Adding some points onto this
3: I'd like to see what someone else mentioned as upgrades or alternatives to the pistol, the pistol itself feels lacking in many ways as it's slow, does little damage, and just isn't all to interesting in and of itself. Maybe something like dual pistols, an smg, maybe even a magnum that effectively one shots most but has a painfully slow speed.
4: Blimp mode for the player, this would be an unlockable mode and doesn't even do much, other than maybe increasing how much hp the player has, maybe like an extra 50 points, and when the player does go down it draws out the ending inflation where they get up to the blimp enemy size before ending with an all mighty kaboom. Also maybe the ability to zoom the camera in and out during game overs, have had the camera either get caught on something, or the player gets pushed to close to the camera and most things just end up getting obscured by a singular tit or belly.
5: A reload speed upgrade wouldn't be remised I feel for things like the shotgun and sniper as they feel almost useless past a point in the waves because they reload one shot at a time, and the sniper is painfully slow with this as well.
My hero. Good to see you back with a new game.
Exceptional game!!!
I hope this game will get more content soon.
another banger of an inflation game
How do i get a victory?
I don't think you can. I think it's more a "survive as long as you can" type of thing.
You can get a victory by surviving all the infected waves depending on the difficulty
Ok i also got all of the achievements and the upgrades to the guns great game i hope this game gets more updates
Happy to see you making a game again! It's quite fun and also has a lot of potential for new stuff or new mechanics or gamemodes, or even coop if that's even possible. Perhaps the ability to jump as well? Maybe upgrades to your character like a special body suit that makes it harder to inflate you or more speed. A lot of potential!
Glad you're back, MadLad! I'll be sure to give this game a try soon!